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AVG Free Downloads - Don't Blindly Download Or You May Regret It : Download antivirus free

There are factors to initially deem an AVG free download as being safe, and the top priority is if the web site itself can actually be verified or confirmed. If the website is unknown it is best to find one that has more traffic and positive feedback offered as far as the download application is concerned.
Most verifiable sites will offer user comments or forums where the satisfaction of the user can be posted. If you can see this, then in most cases the application should be all right to download. However, there are web sites that offer the same thing and don't use comments or profiles of the users that have downloaded it, and for good reason to their knowledge, the program is corrupted and they don't want others to know it. Then once it is installed on your computer then the website and who created it has control or access to information from your computer.
These people unfortunately are smart. They have the ability to be discreet and lure those who are looking for something to protect their computer to actually load their computer with corrupt programs and they steal your information from you or this in turn causes your computer to not function in the right way.
Many users who have access to the Internet and the ability to download as well often fall victim to these sites. This is why it's a good idea to try every means possible to make sure that the website is on the up and up. The site shouldn't be afraid to offer the information users want to see. If you don't see any I would advice that you leave the site as soon as possible. Simply because some of the sites can exploit security holes in your web browser and install attachments onto your computer just by you clicking the link that leads to their website. So you know it's not a bad thing to be "just too cautious". In the users realm of things it just means bad news if you don't exercise an extreme amount of caution when it comes to unknown web sites.
More advanced AVG programs that are offered will cost you, so if you happen onto a website that you see this and the free version is available you still have a sense of caution to think about in case the advertising for the free version is being offered by a site that isn't consistent with other web sites that might offer the AVG free download.

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