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Christmas - The Celebration of Jesus Or Satan? : Christian Religion

Many people in the world celebrate Christmas at or around December 25th as being the birth of Jesus Christ. However, how does Santa Claus, the Christmas tree and gift giving fit into the celebration of Christmas? What is the true meaning of Christmas that many people celebrate? These answers and more will be exposed in this article.
Regardless of what date many people think of as being the birth of Jesus Christ, it really is not the reason why Christmas is celebrated. Nowhere in the bible will you find the exact date of Jesus birth or any references to it being celebrated because God did not want us to remember his birth and celebrate it but he wanted us to think about his death, resurrection, his future coming and the reason he was sent to earth. Jesus and his apostles never celebrated his birth anywhere in the bible and not even after his death was his birth celebrated by any of his apostles or believers. However, there are clues in the bible as to the approximate date of Jesus' birth and with a little work it can be calculated. A whole book could be written about all the evil associated with Christmas so this one subject will not be discussed in much detail except to say that Jesus' birthday is not on December 25th. However, regardless of when people claim Jesus birthday was, Jesus told us to remember him by the eating of the bread which signified his body and drinking the wine which signified his blood. This was to be celebrated as the remembrance of him and not by the celebrating of Christmas on December 25th! The Christmas holiday and the dates that have been chosen to represent Jesus birth is an abomination in God's eyes and actually have pagan roots. Nobody who can do research can deny this. Therefore, all people should be remembering Jesus the way he told us to and should be thinking about the reason God sent him to Earth and the good news he brought to us all.
So why is almost all Christmas almost always about Santa Claus? The bible teaches that there is a subtle, clever, deceiving and evil being called Lucifer, the Devil, the Ancient Serpent and Satan. We can learn from the scriptures that he is like a lion who is seeking those he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). We can also learn that Satan is very subtle and deceiving in his ways and he goes after the most vulnerable first. An example of this can be found at the very first book of the Bible at Genesis chapter 3. He did not go after Adam first but he went after Eve first, the weaker of the two. Another example of how Satan is can be found in Jesus own words at Luke 10:19. There Jesus says, "I saw Satan as lightning fall from Heaven". Lightning just like Satan goes to the path of least resistance first. Now what better way would Satan have to deceive and attack humans than to go after our weakest, most vulnerable and least resistant which are our children? This is where Santa Claus fits into the pagan and false holiday of Christmas. Santa Claus seems so loving and harmless who brings gifts for the good. This is exactly what Satan wants us and especially our children to think.
In the book of Genesis, Satan in a very subtle and deceiving way came to Eve when she was alone and got her to eat the forbidden fruit. The fruit looked good and pleasant but it was against what God told her she could eat. The same goes for Santa Claus. Satan is using Santa Claus and Christmas to lore our children and us away from serving God and remembering Jesus, the very person who is the reason why Christmas is supposed to be here in the first place. Satan tricks people very subtly into worshipping him by disguising himself as Santa Claus and comparing Santa Claus to both Jesus and God and connecting Santa Claus into Jesus birthday. He sets Santa and Christmas up to look good and pleasant to all people but actually they are against God. Anyone who listens to the Christmas music or reads the childrens books or watches television can see that Santa Claus flies through the sky and goes to every house and rewards those who were good by giving gifts. Just like Jesus will be coming from the heavens in his future coming and rewarding those who chose him and worshipped God (Revelation Chapters 2-3). Santa Claus is also said to be able to deliver gifts to everyone in the world in a single night. Just like God is the all powerful and almighty God and nothing is impossible for him (Luke 1:37). Santa Claus lives at the North Pole and rides from the north on a flying sleigh and he also sits on a throne. God also is described as coming out of the north seated upon a throne (Ezekiel 1:4-28) Santa Claus is also said to always know when we have been good or bad. Just like Jesus and God always know when we are bad and good (Proverbs 15:3). Santa Claus is also said to know when we are sleeping and know when we are awake. Just like God and Jesus know when we are sleeping and when we are awake (Psalms 33:13-14). Santa Claus has white hair. God and Jesus also are also described as having white hair in visions (Revelation 1:14; Daniel 7:9).
Santa Claus came from Old Saint Nick who supposedly helped a few people and performed a miracle. Jesus Christ performed numerous miracles and helped many people. Santa Claus has his reindeer and elves as helpers just like Jesus had his apostles and followers. Santa Claus has a carpenter shop at the north pole where he and his elves build toys. Jesus was a carpenter (Mark 6:3). Santa Claus is also sometimes referred to as "Kris Kringle" which means Christ Child. Santa Claus is not Jesus and there was only one christ child who was on this earth (Matthew 1:23). Santa Claus also sits in the malls and people bring their children to him. People also brought their children to Jesus (Luke 18:15-17). Children are told to believe in Santa. All God's people must believe in Jesus (John 14:1). Santa is said to live forever. God is eternal, he always was and he always will be (Deuteronomy 33:27; Psalms 90:2). These are all ways that Satan is trying to replace Jesus in the Christmas holiday with his Santa. He is comparing himself to both God and Jesus and trying to lure us and our children especially into celebrating Christmas and worshipping Santa Claus instead of God.
Another twisted aspect about the false holiday of Jesus Christ's birth is the displaying of the Christmas tree along with the star on top of the tree. The Christmas tree, stars and pictures of Santa Claus can be seen everywhere around the time of Christmas. They can be seen hanging from walls, ceilings, in windows, on people's porches, etc... When they are displayed in this manner they are considered as man-made idols in God's eyes. The ancient people from the bible also had similar idols and also worshipped false gods. Jeremiah 10:2-4 states, "This is what the Lord says: Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them. For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with a chisel. They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter." Throughout the Bible God commands us many times not to make or worship idols and false gods. The making or worshipping of false gods and idols is actually a violation of the first and second commandments (Exodus 20:1-4). The Christmas tree has a proven and well documented Pagan history and origin. So if you think that the Christmas tree is all fun and games and harmless then please think again. This is exactly what Satan wants you to think.
So what about the giving of gifts on Christmas? How is this a bad thing? Well, all year children all over the world cannot wait for Christmas time because it is a time that they know they will receive the gifts. Now there is nothing wrong with giving people gifts. However, when gifts are dedicated at a certain time of the year at Christmas time and placed under a Christmas tree and given by "Santa" then this is wrong. This also promotes materialism and greed in young children which they will end up having the rest of their lives and spreading to their own children and so on. Throughout the Bible God tells us that he hates materialism and greed. The gift giving also turns people's attention away from God and Jesus and focuses it on Santa and the gifts. The gift giving is just another way Satan is making Christmas to look irresistible to humans. Satan will do whatever he can to mislead people and turn us away from God. So by celebrating the Pagan holiday of Christmas and worshipping Santa Claus, Satan is actually rewarding everybody with gifts. Instead of dedicating a certain time of the year to give gifts, why not give gifts at random times throughout the year?
Much more can be said about all the evils in Christmas and Santa Claus but this is all the general truth. If you are feeling close-minded to the truth about Christmas then please do more research on this subject and learn the truth for yourself. However, if you do know the truth and continue to celebrate Christmas and accept the replacement of Jesus with Santa Claus and accept all the other evil then God counts this as a sin towards you. Be strong and stand up to Satan and all his evil.
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