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Antivirus Sophos : Why Should I Use Data Backup and What is It? : e

Data backup is a way of the storing of files from on your computer in a different location. In this particular way, if there is a loss of data on your first machine, you will still have all your data in backup device / area in order to retrieve those files.
In the world of computers data, a loss of data can be stressful, and while there are ways for recovery of data after a disaster it is a lot easier to retrieve your files from a previous backup than to attempt to find your data on a crashed drive.
I have heard stories in the past of hard drives going down (failing) with very important data on them and the companies involved having to resort to going to a data restoration company. The price that the data restoration companies can quote is much higher than you'd expect - many hundreds of pounds in some cases.
I have even heard of antidotal stories where a data recover company will tell you what files they can retrieve (actual file names) but not until you pay the large amount of cash involved. It pays dividends to be able to store your data correctly in the first place.
Before you get to the stage where you have to call a data recovery company, take some steps to back up your data on a regular basis. There are just too many horror stories regarding lost data and in this day and age of cheap storage, it should not be an issue.
Sophos Anti Virus
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